I'll be completely transparent here. I am a referral partner and I did so for a couple of reasons:
- I wanted to be able to easily log in and manage my clients' accounts without having to remember and authenticate separate logins.
- They have a superior product that is simple for end users who aren't technically skilled to set up, build, grow and manage their email marketing.
- They have stellar customer support and for me that means a lot when it comes to making sure my clients can get the help they need.
- It easily integrates with other software that I utilize.
- They offer a free trial where you can send up to 100 emails.
Why do you need a nurturing and sales email campaigns?
- You need to stay top of mind with your clients
- Helps you keep track of email opens, forwards and the effectiveness of your campaigns
- Automate as much as possible within your business so you can do what you do best!
What are you waiting for?