With a primary focus on raising money for the cause it's daunting when costs continue to rise, cutting into the amount you have left to support your cause. Yet you find yourself in a catch 22 because you need technology to survive and grow.
Over 20 years ago I had the opportunity to work for a state run non-profit called the Early Learning Coalition. During my 2 years there, I managed the $10 million dollar budget, worked with contracts, interfaced with donors, the board, recipients and even got coffee. I learned how boards work and the process they must go through to get things approved, look at every penny carefully. Our required audits always got a positive report. It was incredibly rewarding.
What it taught me was that the needs of non profit organizations are complex and it's easy to get taken advantage of if all the details aren't covered! Since that time I've helped other nonprofits change the course of their organization with the use of technology.
That's where I come in with this experience to help you.
I love to serve our non-profits and while I do have to bill for my time, I want that to be maximized for you.
My focus is on:
I work with you one-on-one and with my industry partners to help you understand what you have and how to get the most out of what you have. If I feel that what you have isn't up to par or is actually a detriment I will work with you to help you strategize towards a better solution.
Patricia Quote
Stop Childrens Cancer
Amy Meacham
Through strategic partnerships, I have access to exclusive products and services that can help increase your revenue and decrease your expenses in your business. This includes google ads management, text message marketing, and merchant services (save 10-25%) and products you can offer to your customers!
Are you a student, graphic designer or web colleague? Or maybe you are an entrepreneur at heart who has a variety of interests.
I love teaching and empowering others. I have access to a powerful business system I use that includes the tools you need to build an amazing business and take your income to a whole new level. Ask me how!
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